Is Hell Real?
(How I got MY answer)
(By: Norm Rasmussen, Director)
If you would like to watch this testimony on video, you can click on the following links: Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
Like most ... I've always wanted to know if hell is real or not. After I became spiritually born again in 1980, the desire to know intensified, and it culminated with having a serious talk with God. I prayed, telling God I was having a hard time believing that there was a real hell like the Holy Bible says there is.
I realize some are not in a place spiritually where they will be able to receive this . . . but have you ever had one of those real serious talks with God when you've been vulnerably honest with Him? This was one of those times for me. My prayer went along these lines:
"Lord - I want to confess something to You. As You know, I didn't believe in You for nearly the first 35 years of my life. Then on that awesome Saturday morning in early 1980, You made yourself incredibly real to me.
"Nearly a year later -- after confessing to You that I just couldn't believe the Holy Bible was truly the inspired Word of God . . . therefore I couldn't trust the Bible -- You did some spiritual surgery on me that fateful Sunday that destroyed my doubts forever!
"Months after that, I prayed another serious prayer to You, Lord. I told you I was having a hard time believing there were still demons today. I asked you to show me in a way that I could know for sure."
Little did I realize at the time what I was asking, because God took me up on my request. At a later time - when I had totally forgotten I had prayed that prayer . . . God allowed a demonic encounter that sends chills up my spine to this very day! Needless to say I became a devout believer of the present-day reality of demons!
So in 1994 I found myself praying another fateful prayer: "God -- I'm having a hard time believing an all-loving God would allow people to suffer in a hell of torment for all eternity. Yes - I believe your Bible doesn't lie . . . but God - I'm having a hard time believing. If Satan is causing this unbelief, please show me. I'm asking and trusting You to show me the reality of hell, even if you have to take me there to prove it."
I gave it to God and as time passed, I essentially forgot about it. God had been faithful to reveal His reality to me - the reality of demons - the trustworthiness of the Bible - so I had no reason to doubt that He would refuse my request to know of the absolute certainty of the reality of hell as well, if it was important that I truly know.
About a year and a half later, my wife, Kathleen, began talking about a book on hell going around at her place of work. I asked her to bring the book home so I could look at it if she could get her hands on it. A few days later she brought the book home.
That next morning I started reading the book at 6:00 AM. My eyes were glued to every word. I finished reading it by 10:00 AM. Upon finishing it, I was stunned! I felt like someone had swung a 20-pound sledgehammer at me and it was lodged permanently in my stomach!
The author of the book shared that Jesus had actually taken her into hell 30 different times and gave her a detailed tour of it. She claimed that Jesus gave her this extensive tour of hell over 30 different nights to write a book about what she saw and experienced so others could know of the reality of hell and would not have to go there.
At that moment -- in stunned shock -- I said out loud, "God . . . is this book real ... or is it make-believe? Did this woman fabricate this account ... or did she really experience what she has written about?"
The Holy Spirit answered very quickly by asking a question of His own: "What do you believe? Does anything she's written contradict scripture, as you understand it?"
I had to answer Him, "No, but maybe the devil inspired her to write this book. Did he?"
He replied, "You think Satan would expose himself in a book like this the way the author has exposed him?"
I knew he wouldn't. What she shares about Satan and hell and the torment of suffering lost souls there and why they are there . . . he wants no one knowing!
Then I asked the ultimate question: "Are you trying to scare people into becoming Christians, Lord?"
Suddenly concerned that my question may have offended Him, I felt greatly relieved when He shared this reply:
"Fear will never cause people to develop a love-relationship with Me. Appreciation for what I'm sparing people from will."
There was a brief interlude, and then these strong thoughts went through my head. "You prayed a prayer nearly a year and a half ago. You asked Me to show you whether hell is real or not. This book is your answer."
I said, "Oh God - that's right!" I had totally forgotten I had prayed that prayer. I asked the Lord to forgive me for forgetting. As I sat there still somewhat numb and dazed, the Holy Spirit spoke to my inner-being once more: "I want you and your wife to tell others about this book through the ministry I've given you."
Have you ever tried to bargain with God? Cowardly, I said, "God - this is the most controversial book ever written, other than the Bible. I don't want to discredit the PRECIOUS TESTIMONIES Ministry."
"Don't worry," He answered back. "Although many people will be closed-minded to this book, I will give grace to many others who read it to grasp the reality of hell, and they will know how real and horrible hell is. If you are sincere about wanting Me to use the Precious Testimonies ministry to help people get to heaven ... you should be more sincere in warning people hell is a real place, and it's a horrible place to be for all eternity."
Thus we've endeavored to be obedient to God by telling others about this book. Thank goodness - God has not asked us to try to convince anyone that the author actually left her body and journeyed into hell, (although there is no doubt in my mind that Mary Baxter wrote what she believed God wanted her to write). God has told us to leave that up to Him, as we realize only the Spirit of God can quicken the truth of this book to readers anyway, which we know He will ... for those God gives grace to.
I truly believe every person should have a chance to read this book who have questions about hell. I also believe before reading this book, people should sincerely ask and trust God to reveal to them what they need to know as they read this book. This is not a book to casually read. What is written in this book is the most serious matter to come to grips with for every person on this planet, because the Bible makes it perfectly clear there are only two places a person can go once they die: heaven or hell. To lightly joke or scoff about the matter is the greatest mistake a person could ever make.
This book is not about putting fear in people. It is about warning them that the Bible means exactly what it states -- life after death gives them only two options: Heaven or hell. The hell Mary K. Baxter describes in this book is not a place a person wants to go to, yet the Bible states that more people will be in hell than there will be in heaven, because of rejecting Jesus Christ and His sacrifice on the Cross for them -- so they can have their sins forgiven, and receive the imputed righteous of Christ Jesus. How sad and tragic it is that more people will end up in hell than in heaven.
If you are having a difficult time believing a loving - merciful - gracious - forgiving - ALL JUST - God would send someone to hell, I strongly encourage you to click on the following link. God wants no one going to hell!
The fact that He has given our generation this hell-account Mary has written about should make us be so appreciative of God. God didn't have to inspire sister Mary to write this book. He could easily have given us only the Bible, which is all I had before He brought this book into my hands. But in His mercy, He has given us something extra in addition to the Bible to warn us of the horrors and reality of hell ... to help people like me who were (or are, like I was) being smothered with doubt and unbelief about the true reality of hell. I would hope people would be thankful to Him for it, rather than coming up with every reason imaginable to try to discredit this book, and the intention(s) God has in giving it to humanity.
So if you have questions about hell - you owe it to yourself to obtain a copy of this 216-page book, Divine Revelation Of Hell (see photo below), by Mary K. Baxter, a personal eye-witness account of hell.
Also, for your convenience, here are some Bible passages
that speak of HELL: Some HELL scriptures
Included here are two other hell-encounters on our website,
which you might also enjoy reading, plus two more links to others:
If you would like to read Norm's born again testimony, you can click on this link:
Here is a balanced, biblical teaching on hell that we strongly encourage people to listen to if they aren't sure what to believe about hell:
Here is what another well-respected Bible teacher has to say about this book: A DIVINE REVELATION OF HELL ... and also shares some prophetic insights that I believe the Body of Christ should be made aware of: Prophecy From Jesus to Mary Baxter on Joel’s Army to Come
The ISBN number for this book is 0-88368-279-6.
SERIOUSLY - Everyone should read this book, if you have questions about hell!
-- Norm Rasmussen, Director, Precious Testimonies
Dear Reader - are you at peace with God? If not, you can be. Do you know what awaits you when you die? You can have the assurance from God that heaven will be your home, if you would like to be certain. You can even have that assurance RIGHT NOW! Either Jesus Christ died for your sins, or He didn't (He did!). Are you prepared to stand before God on the Judgment Day and tell Him that you didn't need the shed blood of Jesus Christ on the Cross to have your sins forgiven and get in right-standing with God? We plead with you...please don't make such a tragic mistake.
To get to know God, to be at peace with God, to have your sins forgiven, to make certain heaven will be your home for eternity, to make certain that you are in right-standing with God right now ... please click here to help you understand the importance of being reconciled to God. What you do about being reconciled to God will determine where you will spend eternity, precious one. Your decision to be reconciled to God is the most important decision you'll ever make in this life, because in Christ, it is impossible to put a value on the worth of your soul in light of eternity.
JESUS DID IT! and...
Remember: All that we do in this life comes back to our God-given purpose which is to serve and glorify God. The money and assets we accumulate, the fame and power we've attained or seek to attain - all of the things of this nature will one day pass away, but those lives of others we impact for Jesus Christ will last for eternity, and we will be rewarded for the part we helped play by impacting those lives ... for eternity. (Matthew 6:19-21 is our assurance)