from darkness to light & the voice of god!
(By: Simon Peter Keenan)
BACK STORY - Back in 2015 and for several months after my encounter with God, I had this very strong persistent urge to write that would not leave me. I didn't have any idea what I was to write about and in all honesty I found myself getting frustrated with God about it. At that time I was training for a marathon and would pray as I trained, running the country back roads at night. (I live in a small country village surrounded by fields) One evening during my usual training run I found myself in prayer, however, getting frustrated about the ongoing urge to write and this resulted in me simply shouting out to God 'WHAT IS IT YOU WANT ME TO WRITE ABOUT??!!'...
Instantly and from nowhere (it was dark and the roads deserted) a voice cried out 'THE TRUTH!!!' This caused every hair on the back of my neck to stand on end and also had me leap into the air turning around in fright. Having never heard the voice of God like that before, I knew that I knew that I knew it was him who had spoken. When you hear the voice of God, there is NO denying it's him. So, that's exactly what I set about doing. I took the next several weeks to write my testimony about my incredible encounter with God. Here it is from the beginning...
Hello, my name is Simon Peter Keenan, and I come from a loving, faithful and supportive family. Having been raised a catholic, I have always been grounded, thankfully, in the basic acceptance and understanding of God as our great creator. This however is not to say that I have been totally faithful or devout in my faith. At times throughout my life, it has been quite the contrary. However, I have always defended the catholic faith vigorously with a passion and have tried to be a practicing catholic. Looking back and being fully honest, I have made many mistakes and bad choices along the way and have done things and behaved in certain ways that, if I could do it again, I would have done it differently. However, as I matured in life, I realized, accepted and confessed my mistakes and tried to learn from them with the help and guidance of my parents.
It goes without saying that being a catholic, especially in the west of Scotland, doesn’t come without its problems, where bigotry and religious opposition have always been prevalent. This has been and still is the cause of much bloodshed, hatred, and segregation which has spread throughout our politics, our working life and many aspects of our society, even our sporting arenas. In some ways, however, I now see that the prejudice, negative aspects of our culture and trials have been a blessing in the sense that they have armed me with strength, resilience and have given me a zeal for righteousness.
Returning to my point made earlier regarding my acceptance of God, this has always been the case as far back as I can remember. I have genuinely always believed in God. I clearly recall at least two occasions in my teenage years when I experienced very dark, personal, emotional periods that at the time I was utterly convinced I would not make it through. Very dark times indeed, however, on each occasion I cried out to God in prayer and desperation and he raised me up and truly healed me. I can honestly say that these events have laid the foundation for my belief in God. However, that said, there were still various aspects of life which didn’t make sense and naturally at times made me question the existence of God altogether.
Just to give brief examples, the so called ‘Theory of Evolution’ or the endless testimonies/hard evidence of life from other parts of the universe. Being completely honest, such things did make me doubt God on occasion.
In today’s society it is a fair statement to say that many people, if not most, do not believe in God, so being a believer makes us part of a group that is a minority. I have always had an internal urge when asked about God to profess it to the best of my ability in order to share the truth and so many times have been met with reactions that would suggest
I was either crazy or misguided to have such views. However, my belief in God was simply that. I believed in him, I knew of him, but I didn’t know him. My experience with God would be attending mass most Sundays saying fairly regular prayers that were, to be honest, repeated without great substance or conviction. I had never even read the bible
and possessed a very basic and limited understanding of my faith. Again being totally honest, God never really seemed alive or current to me and existed in a small segment of my life.
Over the years I had exposure to the scriptures through the celebration of mass. However, much of it, if not all of it, seemed dated and not relevant. Of course, I had heard of such things as speaking in tongues, demonic deliverance and miracles etc., but to me they seemed distant tales of the past and I couldn’t possibly think that they were relevant to our time or furthermore, my own life. On the other hand I was in constant battle with myself with regards to the way I would live my life as it was fraught with sin. Knowing that many of my pastimes and behaviors were sinful, I would blot out thoughts of being righteous and simply served me, myself and I, living in willing and compromised sin. I justified the way I lived by thinking that my ways were not severe levels of unholiness or depravity. Going to mass and asking for forgiveness, I really did quite simply what I wanted to do. As far as I was concerned I was a decent person. Like I said, I did believe in God, however, looking back I realize now that I was far removed from God and his sacred plans which he had intended for my life. My father had always assured me that ‘God has a great plan for your life’ but in my youthful all-knowing wisdom I rejected this and thought I knew better. I actually held the viewpoint that, yes I believed Jesus would return to earth one day but to me this was just some distant, mystical event that would not affect my life, so why should I bother seeking him? I was living like a blind man in a darkened world.
I was never truly aware that it was possible to actually KNOW Jesus, not know of him but to KNOW him, and have a deep, personal relationship with him. I had heard the term ‘Born Again’ but I honestly believed those types of people were crazy, bible bashing Americans who preached judgment on all aspects of our modern culture.
This however, unbeknown to myself, was all about to change…for little did I know that one day I would have an encounter, a supernatural encounter that would be so powerful, so unique and so fantastically dramatic that would change my life forever.
It was in the middle of August, 2015 when God decided to deal with me. I had been working and having completed my day’s tasks after which I decided to kill time and watch some documentaries online. From a young age I always had a thirst for the diverse topics of life from history, the universe, the paranormal…and many of the various aspects of human life and ancient cultures etc. Looking back I now realize I was searching. At the time I didn’t know what I was searching for, but I was forever testing, seeking and reaching out. I now know I was seeking truth. My curiosities always had me asking.
Well on this day, I wound up watching a documentary which tracked the work of a man who had spent his life studying the supposed UFO/alien abduction theory. A subject most would scoff at and write off as trash or lies. i realize this is not a subject which many would allow much time however, regardless of this viewpoint, the facts are evident, and whether people like it or not, this topic is burgeoning and intensifying and I strongly believe that we are at a point in time where the whole alien narrative is about to be unleashed on our society that will very soon have a major impact on all of our lives and change everything under the GREATEST deception ever unleashed on mankind. Afterall, God does say in the scriptures that he will send a great delusion so strong that even the elect would be deceived if it were possible. (I personally believe that this will be the sole cause for the great falling away from the faith during the end times as stated in the book of Revelation). Anyway the documentary was highly compelling to watch but it left me sick to the pit of my stomach.
Here were real people who were truly traumatized by the horrific experiences they had endured and were clearly hurting. Whatever had happened to them, they were in a terrible way. I am rational enough to know that there are people out there who compromise truth for stories and entertainment, but the law of averages has it that not all of these people are being economic with the truth, and beyond that, it was clear to see the truth in their testimonies. To conclude, it left me in great despair and I felt a darkness over me, my compassion felt the pain of these troubled souls. Where on earth was God in all of this? I asked this over and over to the point where I was almost angry at God. ‘Where are you in all of this?’ I proclaimed. I would soon find out…
I feel the need to say that prior to this happening, merely days before, I clearly recall having a strange sense of change within my heart. The weather had been really pleasant for the time of year over a period of several days. Each day, repeatedly, on my enduring drive home from work, I was overcome with a convicting sense of change and an undeniable feeling which I could not place or understand. I was compelled to remember and embrace the circumstances of my whole life and existence at that time. It never made much sense at the time however I now know, with absolute certainty that it was the Holy spirit preparing my heart for all that was about to come.
Immediately after watching the documentary, I was presented with the work of a man who, like me, had been lost in the man-made deception of religion. However he too thankfully had his own encounter with God which had thrust him into his life mission of presenting people with the truth. His name was Trey Smith, founder of the God In A Nutshell Project. Now I could go on about this man with great detail about his work; however, I put it to you to seek his work out for yourself and let it speak for itself. He simply presents the truth through fascinating documentaries about stunning, important subject matter such as the true origin of man, aliens and demons, fallen angels, the Nephilim and backs it up with hard evidence…at first glance he comes across as a person who almost seems crazy or fanatical. However, once you give him a chance, the truth he presents simply speaks for itself. He is of course, fanatical about God. He doesn’t force his point of view; he rather urges people to question matters and study the evidence for themselves, which is absolutely compelling. Most importantly, he bases all his work on the scriptures which are of course, the truth. His work, if given a chance, has the potential to revolutionize peoples’ lives and bring them to the truth. I don’t expect everyone, or even anyone to believe me; however I am a living testimony to this.
Simply put, God has raised this man up to bring people into his kingdom and find salvation at the foot of the cross through his work. He highlights the fact that we have been lied to regarding our history and origin. The greatest coverup of history is the greatest coverup of history! When you begin to scratch the surface and seek out all the evidence that is hidden in plain sight, it is truly astonishing how much we have been deceived and lied to. The evidence that backs up the biblical narrative is staggering. For example, I challenge anyone who considers the Theory of Evolution to be true and simply ask them to seek the facts. Evolution is simply put, a way in which mankind is deemed unaccountable (interestingly enough both Stalin and Hitler were enforcing supporters of Evolution) that we were spawned from some great cosmic soup or even better…E.T. The fact that evolution is still only considered as a ‘theory’ speaks for itself. Don’t challenge me within this, I urge you to seek it out for yourself.
It is an absolute travesty that this Darwinian paradigm is forced and taught to us from school years and beyond. It is a slap in the face to God and his incredible creation to even consider or entertain the fact that we are evolved from monkeys. If you plant an apple tree, you won’t get bananas. Genetic coding itself also destroys the theory if studied. I urge you to simply look at the evidence. However please don’t take my word for it, seek God and I promise you, he will lead you to the truth. Knock and it shall be opened up to you, seek and you shall find. These are not empty promises, I can testify to that.
Looking back now I fully realize that the Holy Spirit had led me to this man all along and this was just the beginning…here I was with this unshakable understanding of truth. If a person wakes to find themselves in a ditch with no recollection of how they got there, three questions will spring to mind:
Who am I?
Where did I come from?
What happens next?
Well I can assure you, I finally found the answers. I found myself walking on air. Sheer delight was overflowing within as I somehow KNEW all that was written within the Bible was true. The word of God was more real than I could ever imagine. I was in a constant state of prayer and thanksgiving, peace and joy in the reality of the promises of God. It was a complete joy and high in which I had never experienced. I had true peace and elation in the knowledge that ultimately, no matter what happened, we have salvation through Jesus Christ our savior if we accept and follow him.
A few days passed and I found myself driving to work in my car. I had begun my prayers as normal. However, this time I was bursting with serious conviction and thanksgiving… ‘Thank you thank you thank you!’ I repeated, that’s all I kept saying as that was what my heart desired, I was so grateful and just wanted to continue in thanksgiving…
Suddenly and without warning I was very aware of a change in the atmosphere. I knew that something out of the ordinary was unfolding…in an instant I felt this incredible presence wash over me like a wave in what can only be described as liquid love pouring down and surrounding me. Every hair on my body stood on end and goosebumps raised up and down my arms and neck, I was completely overcome with the greatest feeling of love in which I had never experienced before or since. It was so powerful that I began to weep uncontrollably but it was not tears of sadness, it was tears of pure joy. Gripped and in a state of awe, I knew that the Lord our God had decided to make himself
known to me in a way that would change the course of my life forever. When God decides to show up, I can assure you with all my heart, you will know it and you will be his witness and nothing or nobody will ever take that away from you. That is something I will testify until the day I die. At this point people reading this may say that I was over reacting or getting carried away by an experience that could be explained away as something else. However, I say this: Don’t believe me. Seek him and ask him to reveal the truth to you. I can promise that if you do so with a sincere heart, God will reveal himself and you will know the truth.
The following scripture is very relevant to my experience: 2 CORINTHIANS 5:17
“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ; the new creation has come; the old has gone, the new is here!”
As time passed I knew that I had had a supernatural experience with God, this to me was without Question. However, I was not prepared for the fact that my experience was not unique. One thing was for sure, I was changed, different. My heart, my desires, my goals in life and so on had completely changed since my experience. I found myself with the most intense hunger for God; every thought, every action was geared towards God. I really was changed and yet what had I done? The truth became so abundantly clear to me. The spiritual scales were removed from my eyes and from my heart, and I had complete clarity for the first time in my life. I flung myself into research, scripture, tutorials and all manner of literature that was based on Christianity. Very soon I discovered that through the study of other peoples’ testimonies, my experience was not unique. Where circumstances were different, the principles would remain the same. If you seek Jesus and with a sincere, honest heart and ask him to come into your life, he would reveal himself to you and completely change your life for the better. It is not about what denomination you follow or what religion you are part of, it is about having a relationship with Jesus Christ, repenting from your sins and following him. This is the only way to be redeemed and enter into the kingdom of God. True repentance. It’s not about being a ‘GOOD’ person or doing good deeds, although these things come when you are in Christ, it is about turning from the sinful ways, repenting and taking up your cross and following him.
I realized that all the peoples’ testimonies portrayed the fact that beforehand they were lost and in darkness, living sinful lives. However beyond that they had had a life changing experience or encounter when they cried out to God, some of which were very dramatic and some which were more subtle. However, the fact remained that they found truth through Jesus Christ. They had been given a promise of a priceless inheritance. The complete salvation of their souls through our Lord and Savior, the name above all names, Jesus Christ!
I soon realized and came to discover that many Christian denominations often kept people from having such an experience or even finding salvation due to their ritualistic doctrine. Salvation is not found sitting in a church or giving to charity; it is found simply by calling out to Christ and turning from sin and the pitfalls of this fallen, temporal world. What is a mere few years compared to eternity? In reality salvation can be found through calling on Christ. Some people make use of a simple prayer that asks the lord into their lives:
“Lord Jesus, I know that I am a sinner and I ask for your forgiveness. I believe you died for my sins and rose from the dead. I turn from my sins and invite you to come into my heart and life. I want to trust and follow you as my Lord and Savior, In your name, Jesus, Amen”
It also goes without saying that certain Christian practices should be followed which we are commanded to do, such as being Baptized and keeping Holy the Sabbath day amongst others. However, the most important is making that first step towards him, and truly the Holy Spirit will lead you to the rest. Granted the road is not always easy and at times it is quite the opposite; we are even told that in following Christ, persecution will come against us. It is to be expected, however, scripture states that ‘greater is he that is in me, than he who is in the world’. He will deliver us and in the end we will inherit the kingdom of God. If that doesn’t excite anyone then I don’t know what will. What a fantastic thought.
God does not wish to complicate our lives, he wants to lighten our load, take on all our worries and woes and bring us into alignment with his will, his holiness, his love and most importantly, his kingdom. Forever. All we need to do is ask, with true hunger and sincerity. Many people, if not all, may be reading this and thinking, this guy has lost it or this guy is deluded; then I submit to you, not to believe me. FIND OUT FOR YOURSELVES! Draw your own conclusion. Create YOUR own testimony and ask God to reveal the truth to you with all the conviction you can muster. I know, without a shadow of a doubt that if you seek him with an honest heart, he will come into your life in a way you never thought possible. It may not happen instantly, it may take a little time, but he will come into your heart and I guarantee your life will never be the same again. I urge you even if you have never believed in him, to at least seek him with an open heart and then decide.
Brothers and sisters, with all my heart, I pray blessings over you, your lives and your family and that Jesus reveals himself to you as he has to me. I ask this in Jesus mighty name. I ask you to seek him as a matter of urgency as time is short, our world is on the cusp of great trials and tribulations where great deception and darkness is approaching. Jesus is calling his people and is raising up an end time army that will not break rank even in the face of the darkest times. Rise up and cry out to him. You shall be delivered as he is coming back very soon. May God bless and protect each and every one of you. Amen!
Dear Reader - are you at peace with God? If not, you can be. Do you know what awaits you when you die? You can have the assurance from God that heaven will be your home, if you would like to be certain. You can even have that assurance RIGHT NOW! Either Jesus Christ died for your sins, or He didn't (He did!). Are you prepared to stand before God on the Judgment Day and tell Him that you didn't need the shed blood of Jesus Christ on the Cross to have your sins forgiven and get in right-standing with God? We plead with you...please don't make such a tragic mistake.
To get to know God, to be at peace with God, to have your sins forgiven, to make certain heaven will be your home for eternity, to make certain that you are in right-standing with God right now ... please click here to help you understand the importance of being reconciled to God. What you do about being reconciled to God will determine where you will spend eternity, precious one. Your decision to be reconciled to God is the most important decision you'll ever make in this life, because in Christ, it is impossible to put a value on the worth of your soul in light of eternity.
JESUS DID IT! and...
Remember: All that we do in this life comes back to our God-given purpose which is to serve and glorify God. The money and assets we accumulate, the fame and power we've attained or seek to attain - all of the things of this nature will one day pass away, but those lives of others we impact for Jesus Christ will last for eternity, and we will be rewarded for the part we helped play by impacting those lives ... for eternity. (Matthew 6:19-21 is our assurance)