(By: Kimberly Dreiman)
It was a cold fall day as I walked down a lonely road of despair. I had received Jesus as my Savior and Lord when I was 6 years old and I was baptized when I was 21. But, somehow I had let people, places and things come before my devotion to God. God wanted my attention and he allowed circumstances to occur- only God could see me through.
As I got into my car that cold rainy afternoon "God spoke gently to my heart, "Are you going back to church and put me first in your life?" My reply was: "God, I can't right now-I just opened a day care center and that had to come first. I was on my way to pick up day care children from school and at that time I didn't realize my life was about to change. The Bible tells us in James 4:14:
"Whereas ye do not know what should be of the morrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapor that appeared for a little time and vanisheth away". (KJV)
In the next few moments my life was changed forever. I was in a major car wreck. I had just bought a new car and now it was wrecked, I was hurt, and they were transporting me by ambulance to the hospital. At this point in time I realized life is a wonderful gift of God.
At the hospital I was crying on the backboard-soaking wet from the rain. I was waiting on the results of the x-rays. As I was crying there the Lord spoke to me again: "Are you going to put me first and return to church?" This time I was frustrated! How could God expect me to go to church? Now, I wasn't too busy-the problem was I was in PAIN! I was finally released with a diagnosis of back and neck injuries. I spent the weekend in pain and was looking forward to physical therapy.
Monday morning finally arrived and that day my life changed even more. I was still able to go to work as the director of the day care center. I had hired a male employee. The state standards encourage hiring a male employee to be a role model. I hadn't been at work over hours when suddenly I heard a toy fire engine hat fly across the room. I went into the room to check - the male teacher, Brad, had thrown it. I took him aside and told him that was not appropriate behavior. Since I didn't feel that it was safe for him to work with the children, I told him I would no longer need his services.
I went to the office to call my accountant-I wanted to give Brad his final check. As I was standing there talking on the phone-I heard Brad cry, "I'm going to hit her." I guess I didn't believe him- because I didn't move. He took off his sunglasses-grabbed me by the throat and hit me. The last I remember is hitting the wall. I woke up in the emergency room.
After Brad hit me, he ran to the police station. He told the police I was faking. The police came to check my condition. They asked the doctor if there were any marks. They showed the marks on my neck. Brad had left marks on my neck. Brad had left hand prints from grabbing me. Brad was arrested and let out of jail immediately.
I was in bad shape. I had back neck injuries and couldn't feel anything from the waist down. The paralysis was due to the back injury and was temporary. The doctor ordered a CAT scan and it revealed I had injury to the veins in my neck and a cerebral concussion. It was at this point I started to cry out to God.
I called some friends from a local church. They came to visit me. I had a tremendous headache and the only thing they were concerned about was the church splitting. As they left me I was told to contact whichever group I chose to join. After they left me I laid in that hospital bed-facing the reality that if I didn't receive a miracle, I was facing major surgery to drain the blood off my brain.
This is what I call my "Garden of Gethsemane experience." I laid there in bed and prayed: "God, please forgive. I need a miracle Lord-if it is your will please let this cup, brain surgery, pass from me. I will serve you no matter what-from this day forward. In Jesus Name I pray, Amen." I felt a warm peace come over me. I knew God had heard me and was answering my prayer.
The next morning the CAT scan was done again. God had answered my prayer. Dr. Jones came in and told me the blood had been absorbed so there was no need for surgery. I prayed and thanked God for His answer.
I was released from the hospital a few days later. At home I started praying for a doctor and a church. I asked God for a Christian doctor; God sent me to a town called Mattoon, IL. There I met Dr's Nancy & Don Selvidge. I made an appointment and they gave me Dr. Nancy. I walked into this office and the aroma of Christ was there. It reminded me of II Corinthians 2:15-16:
"For we are to God the aroma of Christ among those who are being saved and those who are perishing. To the one we are the smell of death: to the other the fragrance of life". (NIV)
I just knew they were Christians. After Dr. Nancy Selvidge did the exam and looked at the x-rays she felt the drive was too much for me. She suggested I should seek chiropractic care closer to home. I looked at her and said, "God sent me here." She got really quiet. God must have confirmed what I said, because she accepted me as a patient.
Dr. Selvidge was right, the drive was too much. So, she made arrangements for me to stay with people from the church. I had never met these people before in my life. But, they took me in and took care of my needs. They were fulfilling Matthew 25:31-40:
"When the Son of Man comes in his glory and all the angels with him, he will sit on his throne in heavenly glory. All the nations will be gathered before him and he will separate the sheep from the goats. He will put the sheep on his right and the goats on his left. Then, the King will say to those on his right, Come you who are blessed by my Father; take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world. For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink. I was a stranger and you invited me in. I needed clothes and you clothed me. I was sick and you looked after me. I was in prison and you came to visit me. Then, the righteous will answer him: Lord when did we see you hungry and feed you or thirsty and gave you something to drink? When did we see you a stranger and invite you in or needing clothes and clothe you? When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you? The King will reply, I tell you the truth whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine you did for me." (NIV).
I went to church services with the people who took me in. I went forward one Sunday morning and re-dedicated my life to Christ. Dr. Selvidge took her Sunday afternoons to pray and study the Bible with me. I was healed physically and spiritually. It was approximately a year before I returned to work.
God has shown me that he is there for anyone who calls on his name. God has promised to never leave or forsake us. Hebrews 13:5 says:
"Because, God has said, "Never will I leave you or forsake you" (NIV)
I am so thankful God met me on that lonely road of despair and carried me until I was able to walk again. God has turned my despair into strength. The joy of the Lord is my strength!
If you would like to contact me for any questions you may have or need some encouragement, I can be reached at this email address: Thank you and God bless you!
-- Kimberly Dreiman
Dear Reader - are you at peace with God? If not, you can be. Do you know what awaits you when you die? You can have the assurance from God that heaven will be your home, if you would like to be certain. You can even have that assurance RIGHT NOW! Either Jesus Christ died for your sins, or He didn't (He did!). Are you prepared to stand before God on the Judgment Day and tell Him that you didn't need the shed blood of Jesus Christ on the Cross to have your sins forgiven and get in right-standing with God? We plead with you...please don't make such a tragic mistake.
To get to know God, to be at peace with God, to have your sins forgiven, to make certain heaven will be your home for eternity, to make certain that you are in right-standing with God right now ... please click here to help you understand the importance of being reconciled to God. What you do about being reconciled to God will determine where you will spend eternity, precious one. Your decision to be reconciled to God is the most important decision you'll ever make in this life, because in Christ, it is impossible to put a value on the worth of your soul in light of eternity.
JESUS DID IT! and...
Remember: All that we do in this life comes back to our God-given purpose which is to serve and glorify God. The money and assets we accumulate, the fame and power we've attained or seek to attain - all of the things of this nature will one day pass away, but those lives of others we impact for Jesus Christ will last for eternity, and we will be rewarded for the part we helped play by impacting those lives ... for eternity. (Matthew 6:19-21 is our assurance)