(By: Beth and Steve Poll)
To listen to Beth and Steve's testimony on Video:
Our story involves active spiritual warfare which may be unfamiliar to many people. Nevertheless, it's our story. It's a story of divine healing of a chronic migraine headache, scoliosis, and the after-affects of treatment for Wilm's tumor. It's healing by the hand of God and the casting of the prince of darkness out of our lives. This story is very personal and has sensitive content. However, we are willing to expose the truth because we believe it can benefit anyone who is willing to listen. The purpose of putting our story on paper is to encourage God's people to never, ever stop praying in adversity and to give God all the glory, which only He deserves.
Here is our story written from Beth's perspective:
For five years I had a condition diagnosed as an intractable migraine headache. I was in constant pain, and it just never significantly subsided even after going to eight different physicians. I had been put on endless medications, and even if one did help it would last for only a short period of time and then it would loose its effectiveness. The doctors would then put me on yet another drug I could go in to the emergency room and leave in just as much pain as I had when I arrived. One doctor did a series of treatments in which he injected steroids and Botox into my scalp. I went for acupuncture treatments. I had an expensive food 'toxicity' test and followed the recommended diet for several months. I also was put on very expensive nutritional supplements for a period of time. Nothing worked. I tried the best I could to cope with the pain on a daily basis, but as time passed, I had no choice but to slowly drop out of life as it got progressively worse. I finally had to take a leave of absence from work and ended up living on a couch in a dark room.
Eventually I became a patient at the local pain clinic. My doctor at the clinic said that the medications I had been on since my condition began had put me into a state of rebound which actually makes the pain worse. I was given other medications by IV for a period of time so my nerve receptors could adjust to not having the original medications. Going through rebound treatment can be compared to going through withdrawal from addictive drugs. A few weeks into this process, in November 2004, I was unable to be alone and I lived with Steve's parents for six weeks. They took me twice a day to the pain clinic. After my physician told me I was out of rebound, I had a week of moderate pain, and then the high level of pain returned. My physician tried to help me by prescribing several additional drugs and finally told me no one in the city where I lived could help me. I was then referred to a nationally recognized neurological institute in a major city in the other side of the state. After going to this institute for several months, I ended up on more medication with minimal relief. I was convinced that I was going to spend the rest of my life in pain, on a couch, and living in pajamas.
It seemed like everything I loved and cared about had been taken away from me and I only existed. I have always loved my job as a RN and that was yanked away from me. I only saw my husband and children when they came into my room to see me. I missed church for more than a year. The only contact I had with society was when friends would come visit me. I just lived alone in a dark, quiet room waiting for God to take me home. Every night I prayed to God, and asked Him to take me in my sleep or to return in the second coming of Christ.
It was at the end of March 2005 that a series of events began to take place which could only come from the hand of God. Steve received a phone call from a member of our congregation saying that he was going to think this was the craziest phone call he had ever received. Our caller said he is related to a woman who also had struggled with chronic migraines and nothing had helped her either. He told Steve that their family found a pastor who has the gift of discerning spirits and gifts of healing. (See: I Corinthians 12:1-11) This pastor had been praying with this relative, and she was doing a lot better. The pastor was from out of state but was going to be in town for a couple of weeks. He had set aside time to pray with people. Steve and I talked about this and decided that anyone who was a sincere Christian and wanted to pray with us was welcome to do so. Steve called the person hosting this meeting in his home. 'Sure we have room for you, if we have more than ten or fifteen people show up we'll use our basement' he said.
So one Sunday evening in mid April, with me in significant pain, we turned down this man's street to see cars lined up on both sides. After walking about a hundred yards from where we parked, we arrived at the house to find the basement packed with people. After introductions, the pastor had a teaching time. The text was Daniel chapter 10 with an emphasis on verses 12-15. This text speaks of Daniel humbling himself and praying for understanding. Then the angel speaking to Daniel said that since the first day Daniel set his mind to gain understanding his words were heard but the prince of the Persian kingdom resisted him twenty-one days until Michael came to help him. The pastor spoke of how Satan is the prince of the world and the prince of the Persian kingdom was the evil spiritual forces at work in Persia. He also spoke of Nebuchadnezzar's dream of the image with the head of gold, chest of silver, belly and thighs of bronze, legs of iron and feet of iron and clay. He pointed out the spiritual forces of evil in each of these historical empires. The point being, 'For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.' (See: Ephesians 6:12.)
He then started the healing time with a short time of teaching. He said that we cannot manipulate God. When we ask the Holy Spirit to be involved in a healing, something that normally takes six months may take two, something that normally may take a month takes a few days or a week or two, and if it happens tonight it's a miracle. When it was our time to go foreword, he asked what I wanted prayer for. We sat in two chairs in front of the pastor, and I explained my situation. The pastor anointed me with oil and prayed for me. As soon as he touched me, my pain level shot up even higher, and I immediately held my head in my hands for a few moments.
He then asked Steve what he wanted prayer for. Steve said the grace to deal with my situation. Steve also said that due to surgery and radiation for kidney cancer as a newborn , (a Wilm's Tumor), he had a tilted pelvis, one leg longer than the other, and a spinal curvature. Because he was forty-four years old all his bone lengths were fixed and nothing could be done about it. The pastor looked right at Steve and said 'The Holy Spirit can do a lot for you.' He called every one to gather around to watch. He anointed Steve and said, 'Put out your arms.' He had Steve put out his arms holding his palms together. The pastor lightly touched the back of Steve's hands and commanded Steve's shoulders to move in Christ's name. Steve felt a little something but did not think too much of it. 'Pick up your feet' the pastor said. He took Steve's heels in the palms of his up turned hands and said, 'I push; I don't pull. In a few seconds I am going to command your scar tissue to soften and your left hip to drop an inch in Christ's name.'
As he commanded the spirit of asymmetry to come out of Steve's body, Steve's left foot started to move downward until both feet were even. Everyone gathered around could see it happen. As soon as Steve stood up, he felt as if an electric shock had gone through him from about six inches above the knees to the bottom of his feet. He was also wobbling around with his arms out trying to keep his balance. Steve said, 'Wow, this is really different.' The pastor then had two more people seated in front of him. He smiled and said, 'Sometimes it takes a while to sink in.' We were told this was a come-and-go-as-you-need-to meeting, and not knowing what to think or do, we left. Walking across the front lawn, I was wondering why I was in worse pain and Steve was trying to catch his balance.
The following week was quite a week. On Monday Steve stopped in our pastor's office. He explained what happened to him and said, 'Help me understand this. If Christ is the only mediator between God and man and we are not supposed to seek spiritists or mediums, (See: I Samuel 28:9), why did this take place as it did?' Our pastor said 'You said that the visiting pastor did not claim to be able to manipulate God. This is different than what the Bible describes as the spiritists and mediums we are not supposed to have anything to do with.' He then pointed out that this healing came from God's hand. He said, 'Would you have recognized this as coming from the hand of God if it just came on slowly?' Reflecting on this question, Steve realized that he would not have.
That week I asked Steve why he didn't wear the lift that he had worn in his shoe for years. He told me it was because his feet were now even. I looked at his back and could tell the curve in his lower back was gone. I hadn't realized that a physical change had taken place. Over the years five doctors said nothing could be done for his condition. Steve was relearning to drive his stick shift car because his left foot was putting the clutch in faster than he was used to. He was also waking himself up in the night when his ankle bones would bang together in his sleep. Before his healing, his bones were not lined up, and this did not happen. After a few days his body adjusted to it.
In the middle of the week the host of the healing service called, and Steve answered the phone. 'How is your wife doing?' he asked. Steve said 'Well, actually not very well.' The caller's response was that at times God grants these types of healings in stages to help us understand we are to keep seeking Him. 'How are you doing?' he asked. Steve said seeing the changes in his legs was God's way of showing us that He still had his hand on our life. Steve said that he could really feel and see the change but that his shoulders were still not square with the rest of his body. The host said that God is a God of completeness, and he encouraged us both to come back on Saturday.
Saturday came and we were unable to go the teaching time, but we arrived at the start of the healing time. The basement was packed once again. When it was our turn to come forward I mentioned some things to the pastor that I had been wrestling with for nearly as long as I could remember. He said 'Now we are getting to the bottom of it.' He stated that I was under the influence of a specific evil spirit which had been affecting my ancestors for three generations. (Exodus 20:4 speaks of the sin of the fathers visited to the third and fourth generations. Keep in mind the pastor's gift of discerning the spirits.) Based on the type of spirit he described and family history, I could see that this was true. I now realize this spirit began to affect me early in life. He once again anointed me. This time I did not experience the increase in pain when I was anointed. The pastor commanded this demonic spirit to leave me in Jesus' name. As the influence of this demonic spirit left me, I felt as if a dam had suddenly broken inside of me. I experienced a period of weeping during which I had no control.
The pastor then asked Steve if he wanted prayer for anything. Steve said that he had spent a lot of time with me and there were many others waiting. The host whispered, 'Go ahead and ask.' Steve mentioned his shoulders. The pastor said 'Sit back in your chair again and stretch out your arms.' He again anointed Steve and touched the back of Steve's hands as he had done before. He once again commanded Steve's shoulder bones to move in Christ's name. We have been told that this pastor has the gift of having the Holy Spirit reveal what is happening as it happens. This time he commented on the movement as the Holy Spirit moved Steve's bones back and forth to bring them into alignment. First the left shoulder, 'It's moving foreword, now its moving back,' and then the right shoulder, 'It's moving foreword, now its moving back' in a tone that this was all he expected. Steve could feel his shoulder blade continue to move. The pastor continued, 'Now its moving way back; now it's moving even further!' Steve said that when it was all the way back it felt as if someone had put a pipe wrench on his shoulder blade and twisted it. It was a distinct and powerful, but not painful, sensation that Steve will never forget. Before we left, the pastor spent some time advising us how to deal with our situations. He spoke of how God sees us as cleansed in Christ, and that we are to use the weapons of spiritual warfare to deal with the doubts and challenges the forces of spiritual evil throw at us. He spoke of how Satan is the master of lies and will seek to deceive us. He told Steve, 'Whenever the devil comes around to torment your wife; you have the authority to tell him to leave.' Steve told me later he thought, 'Who am I to do that?'
The next weeks were a struggle as we continued to marvel at what happened to Steve and yet struggle with my pain which ranged from moderate to severe at this point. One day Steve called the man who hosted the healing service. At the end of the conversation the man mentioned that he had just gotten home from the Healing Rooms. Steve asked him what that was. He explained that it is an organization of volunteers who pray to help people deal with the same type of issues as the visiting pastor. He also reminded Steve that healing is a process, while miracles are immediate.
The Saturday after this phone call I was in severe pain. Steve loaded me up and took me to the Healing Rooms. Here the volunteers pray for people on their own prior to meeting with them. Then two or three of them spend time ministering privately to people who come in. The lead volunteer who met with us gave us about forty-five minutes of personalized teaching time. He said that most Christians don't realize that Christ has already accomplished our physical healing on the cross just as he accomplished our salvation. Just as we seek spiritual healing in this life we can seek the manifestation of physical healing in this life knowing we will have full healing in the next life. He referenced the text telling us to ask, seek and knock found in Luke 11:1-13. He also taught us to be careful how we word our prayers. He said do not pray, 'God you could heal me if you wanted to,' but to pray 'God I know you are my healer. I know you will heal me in your time,' realizing His time may be the next life. This seems like a very minor point, but when people have a long term illness or condition after awhile they can start to think God must not even love them because they know He has the power to heal but they don't see it happen. This change in how we pray keeps the proper perspective. God will heal, but He has His timing for His purposes.
The Healing Rooms' volunteer also presented several texts which speak of how much God loves me. I said that those texts certainly didn't seem to apply to me. As the visiting pastor did, he spoke of the lies Satan would have us believe. In this case I believed that God's promises did not apply to me. He then said he was going to command a deaf and dumb spirit to leave me because I could hear and I could talk, but when I read these promises in the Bible it was not revealed to me in my spirit. He anointed me and commanded this deaf and dumb spirit to leave me in Christ's name. At the close of this visit he said I needed to be bathed in prayer, and reminded daily of the promises God gives us in His Word. He gave me a five-page handout with these scriptures on them and told me to read these out loud three times a day. He taught that the devil does not know what we think. When we read the Bible out loud and pray out loud the devil is able to hear us and knows we are calling upon the name of Jesus. He invited me to return as many times as needed.
Early the next week I would read the Bible and say to Steve, 'This applies to me!' Steve would say, 'Yeah it does,' wondering why I couldn't see it before. At this time something interesting happened. One of the teachings on the handout was that we can be healed and the devil will try to give us the same symptoms to make us think we have not been healed. Honestly, this did not make sense to us. If a person has the symptoms they have the problem, right? We were to learn differently first hand. Steve's scar tissue started to contract. His leg length stayed even but over several days a great tension was developing between his rib cage and his pelvis much like it was prior to his healing. One morning he was asking himself if he ever actually prayed for this specific condition, and he hadn't. He started to pray for this and before he said 'Amen' the tension was gone.
At this time we remembered that several months earlier our pastor had offered to anoint me as described in James 5:13-16. We talked about this and decided that having him anoint me would be a good way to introduce some of the congregation to the power of the Holy Spirit that healed Steve. In doing this we were also seeking God out under the authority of the local church. The evening of my anointing our children - an elder, and two of the ladies of the congregation who had been praying for me on a regular basis were present. Before he anointed me, our pastor pointed out that healing takes place in God's time. The text in James says that the prayer of faith will heal, not the sick person having enough faith. After the anointing everyone present prayed for me. My situation would not be an easy one for any elder to deal with. How do you go about reassuring someone that God cares for them in the midst of what appears to be hopeless? Yet the elder had been faithfully keeping in contact and visiting with me. When it was his turn to pray he truly wept with those who weep.
I continued to struggle with my head pain. About two weeks after my first visit to the Healing Rooms, Steve and I returned. The volunteer who met with us said that after a spirit is cast out it will try to return as Jesus described in Matthew 12:43-45. He told us we need to rebuke the devil when he comes to torment. Steve stated what he had been thinking after our second visit with the visiting pastor, 'Who are we to rebuke the devil?' The volunteer then taught us more about the spirit world we contend with in spiritual warfare. He referenced Matthew 4:1-11 where Jesus quoted scripture and rebuked the devil. He read from Luke 9 and 10 and pointed out that the 12 apostles and 70 disciples too were given the authority to cast out demons and did so. He also noted that apparently they had not yet even been taught the proper way to pray because Jesus teaching them the Lord's Prayer is recorded later in Luke. The volunteer was pointing out that this type of authority is given to all believers. Rebuking must be done in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ whenever Satan comes around. The volunteer taught that this did not apply only to this situation, but any situation where there is a road block to having the proper relationship with Christ.
After this visit, I truly began to believe the only way I was going to find relief from the pain was to rebuke Satan and completely humble myself and pray for the Holy Spirit to heal me. It was at this time that Steve and I began to rebuke Satan to break the pain. The first time we did this we took our car to the parking lot of a local park for a quiet location. We prayed telling God that despite the instruction we had received, we really did not think we were prepared to rebuke Satan so He would have to give us the words. Steve started to rebuke the devil. It was an intense time where we both were directly facing our tormentor. Steve told Satan to 'leave my wife alone' and to flee from me in Christ's name. After this, my pain subsided significantly for a short period of time. It flared up again and Steve rebuked the devil once more. Again the pain faded for awhile. This went on for several days. At the time we honestly did not know if the changes in pain were a 'natural' thing or caused by the rebuking. If it was the rebuking, why did the pain come back? Then we remembered the words of the visiting pastor, 'Rebuke the devil WHENEVER he comes around.'
At this point we realized we were engaged in active spiritual warfare. I started doing this on my own when Steve was at work. I would read scripture aloud and tell Satan to flee from me in Jesus' name. The verses I quoted were Matthew 4:10, James 4:7, John 8:44, John 10:10, Matthew 16:23, and I John 4:4. I told Satan I had power and authority in the name of Jesus to command him to flee. While I was at the Healing Rooms, I had examined and understood the lies that Satan had led me to believe since I was a young girl. I would tell Satan he is the master of lies (See: John 8:44), that he is the one who steals, kills, and destroys (See: John 10:10); that he is a stumbling block to me; he does not have in mind the things of God but the things of men (See: Matthew 16:23); that Jesus is greater than he is (See: I John 4:4), and I believe God's Word rather than Satan's lies. After rebuking Satan I would always pray to Christ for my healing and tell him I believed He was going to heal me (See: Psalm 107:20). I didn't know when my healing would take place, but I came to believe Jesus Christ had the power to heal me. I also prayed for other people who were suffering from migraine headaches. I then put on praise music, knowing how much Satan hates hearing the name of Jesus being glorified. I continued doing this for several hours a day. While I was doing this, I would feel my pain suddenly disappear for a period of time. When it would return, I would again tell Satan to flee (See: James 4:7). I never, ever gave up.
As the days passed the length of time the pain stayed away became longer and longer. There were nights as I lay alone in the dark on the couch that I actually was tormented by Satan. I heard his taunting voice telling me that I would never, ever, be healed; that God didn't love me; and that I never would be a woman of God. I actually heard his sneers. He is truly wicked. It was during this time that I fully realized that Satan did truly exist. I saw his character, which is full of hatred.
Later - there were also nights when I actually heard the Holy Spirit speak to me. His voice was audible. As I heard Him speak, I would feel a sudden sense of peace go throughout my whole body. He calmed my soul, reassured me, and told me that He would never leave me. Words cannot describe the sudden sense of God's presence that I felt. Satan's voice and the Holy Spirit's voice are so different from each other. Satan's voice is full of torment and mockery. There is no peace, only inner turmoil.The Holy Spirit's voice is full of love and compassion. There is calm reassurance of His power. I believe that because I heard the Holy Spirit's voice, I had the strength to continue to press on. It was at this time that I finally realized God's power. He gave me the strength to believe in His greatness. June 14, 2005 was the last day I had pain, approximately two and a half months after my first visit with the visiting pastor.
When Steve was healed before I was, I was actually angry that he had been healed, and I had not. I now understand that Steve's healing had to take place first to show me that God had the power to move his bones. By showing me He was willing to move Steve's bones, God was reaching out to me, showing me how much He loves Steve and me. If He could heal Steve, He could heal me.
As I now look back and reflect on everything I went through, I realize that I actually never had a 'migraine headache' but rather a torment of Satan. My warfare was with the devil himself and his demons. (Again, See: Ephesians 6:12, if you're have never heard this before). My enemy Satan attempted to defeat me with his well-laid plans of deception. John 8:44 tells us that Satan is the 'father of lies' and II Corinthians 11:14 tells us that 'Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light.' Satan had lied to me since I was a young girl, and I believed every lie he told me. While growing up, many events in my life opened the door for the devil's spirits to influence me. And they did. Satan bombarded my mind with nagging thoughts and doubts. These thoughts played over and over in my mind thousands of times. The devil is very patient. He moved very slowly in my life. His plans were well laid; for he had studied me for a long time. He knew all my weaknesses and fears. I was held in bondage due to ways of thinking devised by Satan. As time passed in my life, he knew exactly how to torment me. It was by having me slowly drop out of life due to pain, believing that God didn't love me, and that God wanted me to suffer.
I had gotten Satan and God mixed up. I had believed that God was the originator of suffering instead of the devil. I am now convinced that the devil wanted me to die a slow painful death. After I was better, a friend who would visit me told me that she had been convinced that Satan wanted me dead. She truly thought I was going to die, as did my husband and family. It was not until I believed John 8:32 that I was able to overcome the devil. This text tells us that 'You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.' This was exactly how I was able to have victory over Satan. I replaced all of Satan's lies with the truth, the Word of God. I not only had to study God's Word to know the truth, but also I had to act on it to be set free. The weapons I used to defeat Satan were not only the Bible, but also praise and prayer. Praise to God is essential in defeating the devil. Prayer is humbling myself, coming to God asking for help, and talking to him about all my needs. Before I could be healed, I had to know that Jesus is my friend and that He is with me all the time. I had to know that only He can supply my every need. Jesus used the Word of God to defeat the devil. Whenever Satan would lie to Jesus, Jesus responded with 'It is also written' (See: Matthew 4:7) and quoted him The Word. The joy and freedom which I now have in my life is indescribable. God has released me from all the chains with which Satan bound me. II Corinthians 3:17 states 'Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.'
As time passed, I got myself back into life again. I regained my strength and stamina much sooner than I expected. After the pain was gone in June 2005, I knew it was time to get off the couch and act like I was healed. I wanted to get myself back into society as soon as possible. I spent the summer riding bike to get my endurance back. I had to get myself back into stores again, since I hadn't been in a store for about a year. I did home study courses to keep my nursing license current. This helped my mind start to processing information again and retain what I had learned. I also hadn't driven a car for many months, and had to get myself behind the wheel again. By August, I was ready to go back to work at the hospital. What a day of rejoicing that was for me! I still so clearly remember walking down the hall to the nursing unit where I had worked with tears in my eyes. I was overwhelmed by the grace that I had received from God.
My final visits to the doctor at the neurological institute also compelled us to trust in God. We believed that I had the root cause leave me and I had been taught how to deal with spiritual affliction. The doctor's first response to my being pain free was 'You are still having the headaches, they are just controlled.' At this point I was on high doses of several medications to 'control' my pain. The clinic wants to reduce the number of these drugs once a patient is stable to minimize current and long term side effects. At an earlier visit he asked me to start thinking about which drug I felt may not be helping. brought this up and he said they wanted patients to be stable for at least six months before reducing their drugs. He asked what I was thinking. I wanted to get off all of them, but for a start I said, 'Well, anything I am still on that I already was on before I came here was not working.' My doctor took a look at me and said 'You have had no headaches?' He then sat down and began to write the drug reduction schedule for several drugs. One by one I was taken off them. Three months later, before the next visit, Steve and I were discussing how to convince the doctor to take me off the last medications he himself prescribed; the drugs he said were 'controlling' the pain. We had a well rehearsed approach. Afterward Steve told me that he could not believe what I said to the doctor. It was not at all what we had planned. He said I told the doctor that I had been to a place called the Healing Rooms and had gotten to the bottom of the reason for the pain. The doctor slowly said, 'You know you are taking a risk.' I said that was a risk I was willing to take. He wrote another drug reduction schedule.
Coming off these final drugs was a real test of the faith because removing them from my system caused side effects. One in particular is a drug that very few patients come off of so the Doctors have limited information on how to taper the dosage. In coming off this drug I had severe heart palpitations, shortness of breath and fatigue. I was off all medication by February 2006, but it took several months for my heart beat to stabilize. Today my heart is fine and I have not been on any medication for several years.
Steve also has experienced further healing. We went to a conference on spiritual healing. At the close of the conference the conference speaker laid hands on Steve for further healing. A few days after this, Steve noticed an unusual sensation above and below his knee and in his ankle of the leg with the shorter bone lengths. It felt like growing pains. He started putting a carpenter's level across his knees to see if they were leveling out. The bubble always shot off to one side. One day he was speaking with the pastor from out of state and asked him if he thought God was growing out his bones. The pastor replied, 'Very well could be. I can pray over you again or someone else can. It doesn't matter who.' The same week we visited another ministry at a local church. They prayed over Steve and his hips and legs started shifting. This was the second time Steve walked away from a meeting trying to keep his balance. When we got home he put the level across his legs and the bubble was right in the middle.
Some days I can hardly comprehend what has happened to us. When I started to pursue spiritual healing, the only faith I had was to let Steve put me in the car and show up at the meeting. My faith was gone, and I had lost all hope. It wasn't having enough faith that healed me; it was what Christ did on the cross that healed me. The New Testament version of Isaiah 53:5 is I Peter 2:24. This verse says, 'He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree, so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness; by His wounds you have been healed.' As this verse says, Jesus not only died to pay for my sins, He also accomplished my healing while He was on the cross. I have truly, without a doubt, been healed by Jesus' wounds. My life verse has become Psalm 116:8-9. 'For you O Lord, have delivered my soul from death, my eyes from tears, my feet from stumbling, that I may walk before the Lord in the land of the living.'
Most of all, I thank my Father in Heaven who healed me, even when I didn't believe in His power.
'Now to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us, to Him be the glory in the church and in Jesus Christ throughout all generations, for ever and ever!' Amen. (Ephesians 3:20-21)
Thank you Jesus. We love you.
Your children, Beth and Steve
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Dear Reader - are you at peace with God? If not, you can be. Do you know what awaits you when you die? You can have the assurance from God that heaven will be your home, if you would like to be certain. You can even have that assurance RIGHT NOW! Either Jesus Christ died for your sins, or He didn't (He did!). Are you prepared to stand before God on the Judgment Day and tell Him that you didn't need the shed blood of Jesus Christ on the Cross to have your sins forgiven and get in right-standing with God? We plead with you...please don't make such a tragic mistake.
To get to know God, to be at peace with God, to have your sins forgiven, to make certain heaven will be your home for eternity, to make certain that you are in right-standing with God right now ... please click here to help you understand the importance of being reconciled to God. What you do about being reconciled to God will determine where you will spend eternity, precious one. Your decision to be reconciled to God is the most important decision you'll ever make in this life, because in Christ, it is impossible to put a value on the worth of your soul in light of eternity.
JESUS DID IT! and...
Remember: All that we do in this life comes back to our God-given purpose which is to serve and glorify God. The money and assets we accumulate, the fame and power we've attained or seek to attain - all of the things of this nature will one day pass away, but those lives of others we impact for Jesus Christ will last for eternity, and we will be rewarded for the part we helped play by impacting those lives ... for eternity. (Matthew 6:19-21 is our assurance)