(By: Dorothy Mulenga)
The testimony I am about to give is actually an account of events that led me to receiving Jesus Christ into my heart. I must mention that some people who have never encountered demons at work would find it hard to believe. But I pray that you do not have to pass through things like this to know the love of God. I believe God allowed me to experience these events because my heart was a hard nut to crack.
MY Background:
I grew up as a Catholic and was actually baptized as a baby at the age of eight days in January 1961 (I still have the baptism certificate which is written in Latin).
However, as I grew up, my Christian faith did not go further than just knowing that if I belonged to the Catholic Church and attended services regularly, that would actually earn me a place in paradise. We were not taught about having a personal relationship with God through Jesus Christ. We were not even encouraged to read the Bible. All we knew was to depend on whatever the priest would preach to us on Sunday.
Despite being a Christian, my personal life was kind of liberal. I found it easy to break the morality law at every opportunity and never felt guilty. I hated the "born again Christians" because according to me, they thought they knew God more than others. I had no idea that the scripture carrying these words was actually in the Bible (See: John 3:3). I would carry grudges against people and if something terrible happened to people I hated, I felt good. I would curse and steer up dissension and cause trouble especially at school. I disrespected older people and would blurt out insulting words, yet not feeling remorseful. All this I did in great ignorance of the true Word of God, and was under the influence of Satan.
In October 1989, my family and I shifted into a new home. We were very excited because this accommodation was very spacious and in a beautiful area. Shortly after moving into this lovely flat, my two children and siblings started complaining about having nightmares. As an adult, I did not want them to be fearful, so I dismissed that as just dreams. Sooner than later, they told me they were experiencing fights with unseen people in the night. I again dismissed that as mare child talk. I would like to say here that the complaints were coming from my two daughters and my sister who shared the same bedroom, and from my young brother who had his own bedroom. Unfortunately, our church did not teach about demons and therefore I had no idea that they existed, and that they attacked people.
The Dreams
Soon, the nightmares shifted to my bedroom. One night I dreamt of a lion chasing me, and as it would be about to get me, I would wake up. This dream came to me on five consecutive nights. I began to think about what the children were telling me. I got concerned but did not know how to avoid them.
The lion dream disappeared, but immediately after, there appeared another type which was scarier than the first.
In that dream I would hear voices of people coming from my kitchen and living room. I would then wake up (in the dream) and go to the kitchen. I would find women talking and cooking beef stew in a very big pot. None of the women would be known to me. I would then walk into the living room and find men talking and laughing. None of them, too, would be known to me. Soon, the stew pot would be brought into the living room and put on my table. The man who I figured out was the leader of the group would ask others to light candles and place them behind each one of us. The electric light would then be put off and the beef stew served, beginning with the leader of the group. He would dip a big spoon into the pot, draw out gravy and sip. He would then pass the spoon to the next person in the line and shortly the spoon would find itself in front of me.
At that moment I would refuse to hold the spoon and even to sip the gravy because I would hear a whisper in my ears saying, "Do not take, this is human blood". I would then say, "No I won't sip". A deep frightening silence would follow and all eyes of my visitors would be fixed on me. As I gazed upon these eyes, they would quickly turn red like burning coal. Now, this look is difficult to describe, but the closest I can say is that these "people" looked as if they had flames of fire inside their heads and I could see those flames through their eyes. Scared at the incident, I would then wake up. The thing that baffled me most was that each time I awoke I actually found myself in the living room all by myself and with no lights on. By the way, this dream appeared on five consecutive nights, just like the lion dream. Strange again that I wouldn't wake up until the "gravy sipping moment," and each time I did, I found myself in the living room.
The Visit
These nightmares scared the wits out of me such that I started staying up very late. After five days they disappeared, but I continued sometimes to hear voices coming from the kitchen, but this time when I got up (while awake) I would check the rooms where the noises would be coming from but find nothing.
Then one of those terrible nights, I experienced the most shocking incident in my life. As my custom was in those days, I went to bed just around midnight. I used to leave my bedroom door half open to let in the light from the bathroom. I must have dozed off and slept for about half an hour, when I woke up and wanted to go to the bathroom. However, I could not get up just then for I felt a very heavy presence of a force in the room. This force started pressing me down and I could not move. Just as I was contemplating on what was happening, I saw a naked woman enter my bedroom through the open door and walked towards me. The nearer she approached, the more pressed down I felt. I started feeling like choking. My mind quickly had a thought that I could be dreaming, but no, I wasn't. This was really happening.
This woman reached where I was and pulled the beddings. She started getting into my bed and at that moment I managed to open my mouth and asked her, "Who are you?"
She looked at me and said, "Don't worry, you'll find out later."
I breathed hard -- very hard, trying to find some strength to push her away, but to no avail. I then managed again to open my mouth and shouted my sister's name. This young woman got up suddenly, looked at me with fierce eyes, and said "I'm going". She wasn't known to me. When she moved three steps away from me she then disappeared before my very eyes with so much force that I was instantly thrown from my bed and onto the floor! I gathered some strength and crawled to the light switch and put it on.
Dear reader, the fear I had cannot be described in words. All I can say is that I felt like my heart was going to pop out of my chest. I sat there and cried all night.
The Book
Feeling insecure and fear for myself and my family, I related these incidences to a good friend of mine who lent me a book written by an ex-Satanist. She said the book could perhaps help me in some way.
Just before going to sleep, I decided to start reading it. When I reached the third chapter, I noticed that there were similarities in that book with what I was going through. The things that got my attention most were that this writer described how he was lured into Satanism without his consent; how he was sent to kill people through accidents and how he used to cast spells on people who where not true Christians. He described the casting of spells as having been done in the night and that homes of true Christians had roofs which made it impossible for him to enter, whereas those of non- Christians appeared not to have roofs and such were easy to enter. I then realized that even my home was not covered, that was why all those uninvited guests were finding their way into it.
Just then, I fell into some kind of trance and I could not see the roof over me and the walls disappeared. I could actually see the stars in the sky. Scared by that, a very still voice inside me prompted me to pray to Jesus. I then uttered a very short prayer asking Jesus to put back the walls and the roof. I realized that if that Satanist prayed to Jesus and he was saved, then even I could be saved. After praying, I felt some soothing peace inside me.
Just then, the same friend of mine came again and told me about a crusade going on at an Assemblies of God Pentecostal church in the area. My goodness; I hated Pentecostals! Any way, I figured out that I needed to go. However during the day I struggled in my heart. One voice was telling me to go and the other one was saying no. At the end of the day, I did not go. Dear reader, that night I never slept a single hour. The demons had a field day on me. That made me decide for sure, and the next day I went.
At the Crusade
At the crusade there was a man who was giving a testimony on how he became a Christian. He said he was made a wizard by his grandmother and his father when he was just a small boy. However, when he became an adult, his brother-in-law and elders from the church prayed for him and he was delivered from the powers of darkness.
Something clicked in my mind as that man was testifying: how come I am hearing about powers of darkness -- have just read a book about the same at the time I am experiencing them? I was definitely heading for a disaster if I did not get any protection. I believe that Jesus rang that bell in me.
At the end of the crusade, an alter call was made. I, along with many others, went to the front. We were prayed for. At that moment I realized that my body was becoming softened. Surprisingly, I felt a hard shell around my heart. The prayers ended; my heart was still shelled. I was disappointed because I would go back the same way I came. But, the presiding pastor called again, "Those who would like to be prayed for individually please go behind the building."
I needed that, and I rushed there quickly together with others. One brother there asked what was wrong with me and I said my heart was very heavy. He asked me to raise my hands and he put his hand on my forehead. Just as he said, "In the name of Jesus," I started shouting the name of Jesus too and invited Him into my heart. As the brother prayed and as I shouted, suddenly I felt the shell around my heart cracking and there rushed in a very peaceful feeling. My whole body was softened.
As the brother ended his prayer, he asked me again how I felt. I told him that some shell just broke from around my heart and I was feeling very cool. He then told me that I had just invited Jesus into my heart.
Dear reader ... that was my turning point. When I went back home that night, (by the way, the night looked so peaceful and angelic) my children and my siblings could not believe what they saw in me; the excitement, the assurance of peaceful nights from then on and my invitation to them to follow me the very next day so that they, too, would experience the soothing touch of our Lord Jesus Christ. I actually witnessed to them the goodness of the Lord.
Days after that, we joined the new church. The Pastors and other church elders came to our home and prayed over our problems after explaining to them what we had been going through. We were all delivered and our home was cleansed through prayer.
From that time I have never been the same again. In my walk with Christ, I have faced many challenging situations and depended on the Lord for answers. He has had to teach me a lot of things in order to walk uprightly in Him. I depend entirely on His Living Word in all I do as I wait for His second coming. Amen
"Let not your heart be troubled; you believe in God, believe also in Me. In My Father's house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepared a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself; that where I am, there you may be also. And where I go you know, and the way you know."
Thomas said to Him, "Lord, we do not know where You are going, and how can we know the way?"
Jesus said to him, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me. (John 14:1- 6 NKJV)
Dear Reader - are you at peace with God? If not, you can be. Do you know what awaits you when you die? You can have the assurance from God that heaven will be your home, if you would like to be certain. You can even have that assurance RIGHT NOW! Either Jesus Christ died for your sins, or He didn't (He did!). Are you prepared to stand before God on the Judgment Day and tell Him that you didn't need the shed blood of Jesus Christ on the Cross to have your sins forgiven and get in right-standing with God? We plead with you...please don't make such a tragic mistake.
To get to know God, to be at peace with God, to have your sins forgiven, to make certain heaven will be your home for eternity, to make certain that you are in right-standing with God right now ... please click here to help you understand the importance of being reconciled to God. What you do about being reconciled to God will determine where you will spend eternity, precious one. Your decision to be reconciled to God is the most important decision you'll ever make in this life, because in Christ, it is impossible to put a value on the worth of your soul in light of eternity.
JESUS DID IT! and...
Remember: All that we do in this life comes back to our God-given purpose which is to serve and glorify God. The money and assets we accumulate, the fame and power we've attained or seek to attain - all of the things of this nature will one day pass away, but those lives of others we impact for Jesus Christ will last for eternity, and we will be rewarded for the part we helped play by impacting those lives ... for eternity. (Matthew 6:19-21 is our assurance)