Please Help Share God's Best News Gospel
(By: Bill Keller, Evangelist)
The great lie is that people are "born gay," when that is not true. Homosexuality is a CHOICE to engage in acts of sex with someone of the same sex. When a person is saved, they have committed their life to Jesus. Jesus said if you love me you will obey me, NOT live in rebellion to me. Are there people who struggle with this sin like others may struggle with another type of sin? Absolutely! Will they go to Heaven when they die? YES, if they were truly saved in the first place, something only God knows for certain! However, they will forfeit so much of the joy, peace, and abundance they should enjoy from their salvation; never fulfill their purpose of serving and glorifying the Lord, and often their lives will end early. Let me also add this. While we all sin and fall short of the glory of God, I find it hard to believe a person was ever saved to begin with if they are blatantly sinning without shame or conscience, and have no remorse.
I have stated often that the only way a lie works is when it goes unchallenged. This weekend (Early June) is "Gay Days" in Orlando, Florida. "Gay Days" is a week-long celebration of special events at all of the high-profile Orlando area attractions geared towards tens of thousands of people who choose to commit the sin of homosexuality who will be coming from all over the world. Of course, the most famous Orlando area attraction is Disneyworld which will open their gates and welcome men and women who proudly and, without shame, sin against God in this way.
Disneyworld, which promotes itself as a family-friendly entertainment mecca, will once again thumb their nose at families and the children they claim to care about, selling out for the few dollars they can make by catering to a group of people who openly display their deviant sexuality. People ask me all the time how an "event" like this could take place, how that is possible. Simple. The LIE has been told long enough and loud enough that enough people have believed it to be the truth. Those who possess the real Truth of God's Word have said nothing or very little while the lie has been told over and over, year after year, now generation after generation, until it has been ingrained in our culture as a perfectly acceptable choice.
That is why you now have states that actually have legalized men marrying men and women marrying women, as well as same-sex couples adopting children. That is why in over 3,000 SCHOOLS you have "gay clubs" that promote the sin of homosexuality to our children. That is why you have a 24-hour Gay cable television network, tons of pro-gay magazines and newspapers, an entire subculture that actually caters specifically to people who choose to sin against God in this way.
So what is the answer? TELLING THE TRUTH! My friend, the lie will always lose when matched along side the Truth! The only way a lie stands is when the Truth is missing. That is why those who sell this lie are FURIOUS when someone like me has the audacity to go on secular network television stations and expose their lies.
Nobody is "born gay" -- it is a CHOICE! You are born with white or black skin; you are born with blue or green eyes -- taking off your pants to have sex is a CHOICE! Also, it is not 1 out of 10 who choose this type of deviant sexual sin, it is less than 1 out of 100 who will EVER make the choice to sin in this way. Again, the only way a lie stands is when the Truth is missing!!!
My heart was encouraged to hear of the recent move by groups of men and women who have found freedom from the bondage of homosexuality and are now going on the offensive. They are demanding and fighting legally for equal time in schools to tell kids that homosexuality is a dangerous, harmful, and often deadly choice to make. They have simply asked for equal time to tell the truth of this sin to the same students who are being told the lie by the pro-homosexual groups. Praise God! Pray for them and their efforts as they do exactly what I am talking abut today, fighting the lie with the Truth!
Sin is sin in God's eyes. No sin is greater than another. The sin of homosexuality is no more, or no less a sin than murder, adultery, stealing, lying, gossiping, or gluttony. I get asked often if that is the case, then why do I deal with this issue several times each year. The reason this sin is being singled out and addressed more than others is because those who commit it are proud of their sin and promote it as an acceptable lifestyle!
People who commit adultery do NOT have parades to celebrate their sin. People who commit murder do NOT have political action committees to make murder legal and socially acceptable. People who steal do not have high school clubs and try to teach children that stealing is acceptable behavior. Homosexuality is a SIN in the eyes of God and is something to be ashamed of, NOT proud of.
Theologically this is not even a debatable issue. All through the Bible, from the Old Testament through the New, homosexuality is defined by God as a sin, PERIOD. God calls it an ABOMINATION! I have heard the tortured theological arguments homosexuals have made, but there is absolutely NO WAY to change the fact this act is a sin. Just because there is now a homosexual version of the Bible where they have literally changed the passages that call this act a sin, that does NOT change God's original inspired, inerrant Word.
Of course, anyone who dares to speak up on this issue is labeled as "intolerant" and a "homophobe." This is an attempt to make people shut up and keep the Truth from being told. Sadly, we find it easier to keep our mouths shut than to speak out. We don't want the grief that comes with speaking out. We don't want to be attacked for speaking out. Those who call this sin what it is are labeled as "close minded" and "ignorant" by people who are engaging in totally unnatural and unhealthy sexual acts.
You don't need to get past page 1 of any basic sex education book to figure out that two men don't go together nor do two women. Yet, those who engage in these unnatural acts call those who point this FACT out "ignorant!"
Now is the time for those who know Jesus as their Savoir, who possess the Truth of God's Word to go on the offensive and become brave and bold enough to bring God's Truth to the lost and hurting in our world today. We cannot sit back in silence while the lie of homosexuality is told over and over unchallenged. We have done that for too long; it is time to speak up. The truth is that homosexuality is a sin. Like any sin, those who are involved in homosexuality need to find God's love and strength to turn from their sin and live in freedom.
God doesn't stop loving a person just because they commit the sin of homosexuality. He simply wants them to turn from their sin and follow Him. As those who know the Lord, we also have a responsibility to pray for those who are in this bondage. Only God can change hearts, and for those who are in bondage to the sin of homosexuality we must pray for them to open their hearts and turn from their sin.
Until Jesus returns, we will always have those who choose a perverted form of sex with those of their own gender, just like we will always have those who choose to pervert sex by having it outside of the bonds of marriage. While we can never accept their choice since it is clearly against God's Word, we must pray for them and love them enough to tell them the Truth.
For those reading this who are currently fighting homosexuality, let me tell you that God has never stopped loving you, and is simply waiting for you to turn from your sin and come back to Him. We serve a God of deliverance from sin, a God of forgiveness, and a God of restoration. Millions have turned from the sin of homosexuality and found complete restoration and fulfillment in living a life according to God's plan. What He did for someone else, He can do for you! I pray that you hear these words and choose to find freedom from your sin today. It is the TRUTH that will set you free!
Editorial Note: God is using Evangelist Bill Keller to touch lives around the globe. You can learn more about his ministry at:
What can make a person believe they are "born gay" can be because of a generational curse. Demonic assignments (spiritual curses) against our parents and their parents and their parents (etc.) can get passed along to us at birth, and if the curse of homosexuality is not identified (discerned) and then addressed by someone with Holy Spirit empowerment and then broken through (deliverance) prayer, that person can/will struggle with same-sex attractions their entire lives.
Homosexuality is a SPIRITUALLY originated problem ... just as is any other temptation to sin is. The Bible clearly tells us Satan is the tempter, but he needs a person to ACT on his temptations before it becomes a sin against God. Satan has some incredibly sophisticated means of tempting us into committing sins. (Believing that it isn't necessary to believe that Jesus Christ paid full penalty for our sins so we won't be judged by God for them on the Judgment Day is the most DEADLY sin of all against God and OURSELVES - let us NEVER forget!)
Sometimes a child isn't born with a general curse of homosexuality, but rather may be abused sexually and/or emotionally in one fashion or another, and suppressed feelings of resentment and anger can make them vulnerable to demonic spirits enticing them into same-sex feelings and ultimately into same-sex relationship(s) if temptation to do so is acted upon.
With homosexuality becoming so commonly prevalent in Hollywood and TV circles these days, a budding actor or actress can be put on "the acting black list" if they even dare speak out against same-sex relationships ... "and what "liberated" Hollywood celebrities do," their fans love following suit to impress their friends. Satan has so elevated the influence of Hollywood celebrities that politicians are discovering that to not have favorable connections with Hollywood celebrities (sports celebrities NEXT!) is as detrimental to their careers as squeezing zits or picking their noses and eating it while being interviewed on the most watched evening news channels.
A few sidebars: Trans-genders also are being born with generational demonic curses trying to convince their victims they were born the wrong gender, and/or come under that lie after they were born simply (meaning they may not have been born with a generational curse) because they have no idea the influence Satan can have over a person because they have never either been taught about Satan and his demons and his influence over humanity in alignment with the wisely discerned and wisely applied New Testament Bible, or they refuse to believe it if they have. Given time, Satan will have people believing they were really born dogs, cows, snakes, etc. Satan is the master and chief motivator of perverting and disrupting and destroying everything God created for people to have a sound and unconfused mind, enjoy harmony, joy and peace, and rewarding productivity on planet earth, all to the satisfaction and pleasure of their Creator who wants the very best for His created beings ... though won't force it on anyone who doesn't willingly want to contribute to His purposes/s.
Free will is priceless to those who let God instruct them in how to use it wisely. But free will is the most destructive force given to God's created beings who refuse to believe that the One who gave it to them in the first place shouldn't be allowed to help them use it wisely.
I'll go one step further by going on record as stating that I'm a firm believer it isn't God nearly as much as many people assume it is, but rather Satan, who is behind such destructive things as hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes, floods, droughts, etc. -- harsh weather conditions hurting the growing of our foods for survival and destroying our loved ones and our homes. I'll bet you a quadra-bazillion-trillion dollars that when Jesus comes back to earth and rules and reigns for 1,000 years you won't experience ANY of the "acts of god" (notice the little "g") disasters we are experiencing more and more of, and war WILL completely cease, and so will worthless politicians and strutting military and law enforcement personnel. However ... if fire and brimstone and meteors start dropping out of the sky prior to our Lord's return ... God's signature may be all over it and Satan will be little more than a kid waving a lit sparkler while watching the Fourth of July fireworks grand finale going off overhead.
Satan has his demons working so hard on this planet behind the scenes to make same-sex relationships so "normal" - so "acceptable" - so "chick" - so "really manly" - so "daringly exciting" - so "bold and courageous" (etc.) ... that society is now getting dumbed down to this demonic lie - this demonic curse upon the world - that it is getting easier and easier for many to opt out of the controversy that surrounds it and simply go silent on the matter and just "accept people for who they want to be" so as to avoid any further "conflict" -- especially in families though extended to friends and acquaintances of friends.
Satan knows how much mileage he can get out of the sexual sin of homosexuality, and what Satan is ultimately after is to persuade people into believing that sin is NOT sin as God states it IS in the commonly accepted popular translations (KJV, NKJV, NAS, NIV, etc.) of the Bible from their original Hebrew and Greek texts by trusted theologian scholars who translated them and trusted publishers who publish and market them and those translations have been accepted by mainline fundamentalist Christians leaders who teach from them ... or that even if it IS sin, 1 John 1:8-9 covers it, "So what's the big deal anyway?" Satan wants us looking no further than 1 John 1:8-9, because the same person God used to write 1 John 1:8-9 also wrote 1 John 3:9. One of these scripture passages is not to be exclusively separated from the other: God intends them to function as ONE Truth, and the last needs to be first more than Satan wants people realizing.
1 John 3:9 reads in the NKJV bible translation: No one who is born of God (truly spiritually born again, in other words) practices sin (continues to practice sin, with no concern as to how God views the matter), because His seed abides in him and he cannot sin (continuing to keep on sinning that same sin indefinitely and disregarding what God thinks about it, and/or even other repetitive sins, in other words, presumably assuming God won't chastise - discipline - them for it to "help motivate" them to KNOCK IT OFF!), because he is born of God.
Yet to walk in the wisdom of God: None of us will attain sinless perfection in this life ... but we are extremely wise from God's perspective to keep striving to obtain that objective! (I believe that any of us Christians who assume that Matthew 7:21-23 couldn't possibly apply to ME may have their brain deeply sedated by Satan's "denial anesthetic").
Satan's ultimate strategy behind those who practice homosexuality (not just be tempted to engage in it; big difference!) is to get them to either believe they were "born that way" so how can God fault them? ... and/or better yet from Satan's perspective ... if he can convince people that practicing homosexual even ISN'T a sin - SO MUCH BETTER! Why "so much better?" Because it makes God's Word more untrustworthy to people who are blinded to what God wants communicated through it!
Once Satan can dumb down the masses that homosexuality is not a sin, (Or that I was "born that way" so why would God create me that way and never expect me to act out one day the way He created me to be?), then he can go to other sexual sins and cause the masses to believe that the sins of fornication and/or adultery is really NOT a sexual sin either (Especially in divorce and remarriage matters, though in some extreme abuse cases, I believe, God can and does extend His mercy and compassion by allowing the abused person to divorce the abuser and remarry a non-abusing born again believer that will enhance the quality of both their lives to be a more fruitful ministry team God can use to help advance the Kingdom of God in the lives of others). Satan's end-run brainwashing technique? "Sin isn't sin" ... "or even if you are stupid enough and gullible enough to think it's sin ... get past it and grow up."
Inclusive in Satan's strategies for the human race: Satan wants to get people to be so blinded to the truth of God's word - so ignorant and unknowing of what God wants them understanding about it - so distrusting the Holy Bible - making the Holy Bible to be so "emotionally explosive to the politicians who need our votes and support" - that it becomes "totally worthless" - "totally untrustworthy" - "too controversial for the good of our country" - "too divisive to the masses, and we need to silence those who say otherwise."
Satan got his way by removing prayer from our public schools in America and ban the reading of the Bible in public schools as well, and his agenda for a long time has been to dumb down the students attending those schools to believe "homosexuality should be thought of as normal". Once a person engages in homosexuality, they are committing fornication, which is clearly a sin in the Bible as well. When a child is brainwashed into believing homosexuality is "normal" - so will they grow to believe fornication and adultery is every bit "normal" as well. And once they believe those acts of sin are normal, then being a "murder" is just as normal as any other sin.
And of course the overall conclusion he wants humanity coming to once he can get them to believe that sin isn't sin? Answer: "What's the big deal about someone claiming to hang on a cross for you and dying for your sins and taking your punishment for them so they won't be held against you on the Judgment Day? Fundamentalist Christianity? What a joke! Silence them! Get rid of these flakes! Society - the WORLD - will be much better off without them!"
Though this writing primarily has addressed issues of sexual sin and mostly the sin of homosexuality against God, I can't with any clear conscience address the victory Satan has essentially won in the Body of Christ regarding matters of divorce and remarriage. Way too many Christians have become so "drummed down" regarding what God has to say in His Word regarding divorce and/or remarriage that the Bible might just as well be thrown in the trash anymore when it comes to THAT critically important topic. Essentially Satan has won that battle, and his next conquest is homosexuality issues. But he also has THIS strategy being employed with every demon at his beckoning to get the powers of government and corporate heads and public school administrators on down to prison wardens and your next door neighbor to STOP Christians telling others that Jesus (what God the Father accomplished for us through Jesus dying on the cross) is the ONLY way to have your sins forgiven by God and be made acceptable to God ... THE Judge.
The "law" enforcing "hate speech" is coming soon to a theater near you, brothers and sisters. "Hate speech" is quickly being defined by however someone in power at the time wants it defined and SEVERELY punished for being guilty of it. Can't pay a good lawyer to defend yourself if found "guilty"? No problem. There will be room for you on a cold floor in a "detainee facility" to learn "the error of your ways" if they have run out of beds.
Can you fast forward the tape in your mind and visualize watching on prime time TV the lawyer claiming his/her client is NOT guilty of the crime they are accused of, because they were simply "born that way" and if God "created them that way", "why in the world should their client be punished for being who God created them to be in the first place?"
Satan is laughing so hard he's having a hard time keeping from peeing his Santa Claus pants.
Let us always keep this in perspective regarding people being born with generational sin curses and a sin nature. God never intended people to be born with the sin nature nor inherit generational sin curses through their family blood line. Satan changed God's intention. Execution of his game plan started with Adam and Eve and their offspring, and has been passed along right on down to you and I and onto our offspring.
Spiritual apostasy is making huge inroads, just as we've been warned it would be in scripture passages such as 1 Timothy 4:1 and 2 Thessalonians 2:3-4 so we shouldn't be surprised what we see unfolding before us like a snowball building up size and speed rolling down the world's tallest, steepest mountain. Yet God has always called those who understand how important walking in righteousness with God is to not just sit back and let spiritual deception - spiritual apathy - cowardice - easily have its way as though nothing can stop it from spreading. We may not be able to stop everything Satan has already accomplished and continues to want to do, but we CAN be used of God to slow Satan down. God has repeatedly shown us in the Old Testament Bible that He will use His people who are walking in righteousness to keep shouting out the warning that God will not tolerate walking in disobedience to Him indefinitely, but few in Noah's time cared to listen and we maybe shouldn't be too surprised if fewer and fewer in our world today care to hear it either. But the nature of God is warn those who will listen before judgment is executed by Him. When God decides to "drop the hammer" on a person because of their on-going disobedience to Him, it's always the opposite of immediate joy. When God decides to "drop the hammer" on a locality and/or city, or a section of a nation, or the entire nation because of too many people living in that nation are walking in spiritual deception - disobedience - to Him ... especially the spiritual leaders of that nation who should know better -- those of us living in that location and/or nation may want to keep some strong smelling perfume on hand to coat the blades of our house fan.
In all of what has been written here, let us remember that God will be saving souls from going to hell around this globe no matter how much apostasy and demonic deception and his control faces us. God willing, Satan can try to keep us from sharing the Good News of the gospel of Jesus Christ with those who need to hear it, but Satan will never be able to stop Christians from praying for the lost. It is God who saves lost souls. He doesn't need one human to accomplish that. But while we're still here on earth and not with Him in heaven, He wants us to remain available and courageous to do whatever He asks us to do, and His Word clearly exhorts us to not cease praying (especially for the unsaved who need salvation) ... even if we are essentially given the choice Shadrack, Meshack, and Abednego were given to either be human sacrificial marshmallows or do bending aerobics to "'da devil's man in charge".
And a little voice is whispering in your ear, maybe ... "God would never let such a thing happen to you! You know you'll be raptured out of here before God would let such a thing happen to you." Uhhhh Uhhhh. Tell that to the Christians in certain parts of the world who can tell you the name of every bug they've named (if they didn't eat them yet to live another day) in their little dark hole-in-the-wall "attitude adjustment domicile."
- Norm Rasmussen, June 2013
Dear Reader - are you at peace with God? If not, you can be. Do you know what awaits you when you die? You can have the assurance from God that heaven will be your home, if you would like to be certain. You can even have that assurance RIGHT NOW! Either Jesus Christ died for your sins, or He didn't (He did!). Are you prepared to stand before God on the Judgment Day and tell Him that you didn't need the shed blood of Jesus Christ on the Cross to have your sins forgiven and get in right-standing with God? We plead with you...please don't make such a tragic mistake.
To get to know God, to be at peace with God, to have your sins forgiven, to make certain heaven will be your home for eternity, to make certain that you are in right-standing with God right now ... please click here to help you understand the importance of being reconciled to God. What you do about being reconciled to God will determine where you will spend eternity, precious one. Your decision to be reconciled to God is the most important decision you'll ever make in this life, because in Christ, it is impossible to put a value on the worth of your soul in light of eternity.
JESUS DID IT! and...
Remember: All that we do in this life comes back to our God-given purpose which is to serve and glorify God. The money and assets we accumulate, the fame and power we've attained or seek to attain - all of the things of this nature will one day pass away, but those lives of others we impact for Jesus Christ will last for eternity, and we will be rewarded for the part we helped play by impacting those lives ... for eternity. (Matthew 6:19-20 is our assurance)